Friday 1 October 2021

The Science Of God And The Reality Of Divine Existence

Dear Readers and Seekers, I welcome you to my blog with Light and Love in my mind. I gladly welcome you to this blog as you take this "reading journey" with me. 

   Many talk or think about the Idea of God. Some believe in his or her existence while some cannot decipher his or her existence within their Mind or understanding. Some Religion refer to their own unique Idea of God in terms of Form derived by their unique state of consciousness or that of their Religious Founder. However, I discovered that the Mind may generate a Luminous Form which some assume as God. There are diverse "Transcendental States Of Consciousness" which have been derived overtime by several human inquisitions into the Divine Reality and the Mystery of Creation. 

Can the Human Mind give a perfect description of the Divine Reality in Religious Forms? Whatever Forms which the Paths of "Abraham Derived Religions" have inferred as God is subject to questioning and rational review. To me as "Guru Ohilebo Abode", the Human Mind cannot designate a form to the absolute expression of the "Source of Life". 

   I discovered from years of study and research as well as special revelations conveyed to me from the Divine and Spiritual, that the "Most Supreme God" can best be identified in "Activity,Divine Intelligence, Primordial Life And Light." All these are absolutely Scientific and transcends the limits of Material Scientific Postulations. Some scientists that do not use the word, "God", for the Energy deciphered and those that simply assume that there is no God but aware of the existence of Universal Energy are simply unable to use the Impression "God" based on their state of Material Consciousness. The Universal Energy are expressions of Divine Energy. Divine Energy is imbued with the highest Intelligence without Form simply known as Divine Intelligence or the Most Supreme Intelligence which acts as the "Soft Ware Of Creation". The Most Supreme God as the Divine Energy is not a "Being" somewhere at the outpost of creation but simply expressed as Divine Energy And the Most Supreme Intelligence beyond the limits of the Human Mind. "He or She Attribute" is simply for the purpose of personifications which the Mind seek to relate with. However, some people in the paths of Religion worship the "God" emanating from their Mind projections or impressions. And that is the reason why there exist very Intelligent Scientists who deny the existence of God. However, the Atheist with exceptional training in the Sciences are unable to relate the concept of God with the Energy and Light which they have a limited description of. 

   Before the beginning of Creation there exists Life without form and that is the Primordial Life which is the Source and the Origin of Creation of which I give the expression or describe as, "The Most Supreme God". This is the Divine Energy that manifested in Vibrations. The vibrations where also in Audible Streams as "Sound" before the beginning of Creation which the Christian Bible referred to in the Gospel of St.John Chapter 1 verse 1 as the "Word". But many Christians today erroneously think that is referring to Jesus, a correction which will be made in future posts. In the Vedic Scriptures also this is identified in Sanscrit as "Nada"[Sound] in relation to the concept of "Nam" [the Word, Name or Sound]. Taoist and Esoteric Buddhist have their own unique expression for the same Idea. 

   However, through the Audible Streams of Vibrations or Sound, the Creative Light Emanated which is Eternal and imbued with the Most Supreme Intelligence earlier described. However, the Divine Light was ever expanding through Vibrations which anchors the "Will To Create". Creation was systematic and scientific but absolutely beyond the postulations of Material Science. The Great Light precipitated into earliest forms as "Beings of Light" whose revelations to some sections of mankind and certain Religious Paths were personified as "Gods and Goddesses" depending on the nature of their activity, masculine or feminine. However, in my differentiating them from the Most Supreme God, I use the term "Arch Angels" in my Spiritual Writings for special reasons which may be described in later posts. The Arch Angels are the ones many wrongly assume as the Most Supreme God. But the Arch Angels are Divine in Nature and exist as "Beings of Lights" which assisted the expansion of Creation. However, the Most Supreme God is beyond the Realm of Form but expressed in "Activity". 



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