Sunday 3 October 2021

What You Should Know About The Arch Angels, Other Forms Of Angels And The Creation Of The Human Spirit.

Greetings To You All My Dear Readers And Welcome Back To This Path Of Enlightenment. 

If you have read through my previous post, you will understand this more better. I wish to reveal something very important for you to know about some aspects of the Foundation and Development of Creation which is not clearly described in the Christian Bible. However, I am permitted to know them through special guidance, revelation and Divine Insights. The concept of the Arch Angels, other Forms of Angels and the Creation of the Human Spirits are explained by me in an Introductory Format within this post. They are very important knowledge which you should have, to be able to understand the Manifestations of God and the Development of Creation more better. Many due to ignorance may have observed Religious Worship with erroneous Ideas about God. What you should know about the Science of God and the Reality of Divine Existence have been explained in previous post.  


The Light of the Most Supreme God was Initiated by the Audible Streams of Vibrations [Divine Sound]. The Great Light was beyond descriptions in Human Words but we can Scientifically infer of the Luminous Vibrations thereof. However, the Great Light was ever expansive to the point of Infinity. From the Light, precipitates of Individuated Forms emerged as "the Beings of Light" whose revelations to early groups of advanced humans in the Lower Worlds were presumed as "Gods or Goddesses" by some in their Religious devotions. However, the truth as presently revealed from the purest source is that they were not the Absolute Divine though the "the Beings Of Light" were part of Divinity. They assisted in the consolidation of Creation but not on their own Will but of the "Will of the Absolute Divine". They are differentiated from the Most Supreme God with the right term, Arch Angels. Hence, "the Beings of Light" are rightly described as Arch Angels instead of "Gods or Goddesses". I state this because of the Illusion that entered into some Religious Paths over the ages on the right identification of God. Subsequent precipitates of the Divine Light gave rise to other forms of Angelic Spirits after the emergence of Arch Angels. However, all took forms from the Divine Energy. 

    The Divine Light was ever expansive initiating reactions through the Vibratory Activities which gave rise to Creation and Forms, and with the activity of the Divine Will, the Spiritual Worlds emerged. The Divine Realms first manifested before the Spiritual Realm. The Divine Realms was inhabited by the Arch Angels while the Spiritual Worlds was the domain of other forms of Angels. The Spiritual Worlds was distinguished into several Planes. Some Adepts talk of the Seven planes of the Spiritual Worlds but that is not within the focus of this blog post. However, at the Lower Region of the Spiritual Worlds, a unique realm arose which formed "The Paradise Of The Human Spirit". 

    Human Spirits were originally formed from particles of Divine Sparks when certain groups of Angels were given the mandate or Divine Decree to clone out of themselves expansions of their Being. A glimpse of this was slightly described in the Christian Bible, Genesis 1 verse 26, "Then God said, Let us create mankind after our image and likeness......................"[quoting the direct translation of the original Hebrew Version].

The Group of Angels from which the Human Spirits emerged served as Guardian Angels to each Human Spirits which manifested from their clones. Both Angels and Human Spirits are differentiated into Masculine and Feminine based on the nature of their vibrations or activity. The Gender differentiation can only be fully expressed below the Spiritual realm starting from the Soul Plane.

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