Sunday 12 April 2020

Psychic And Medicinal Benefits Of Honey

Certain Natural Substances are imbued with beneficial Psychic Properties and paranormal capacities. Among the African, Amerindian, Indian, Chinese and Siamese indigenous Metaphysical/Alternative Medicine Practitioners are the knowledge of these essential facts. There are Benevolent Forces associated with Natural Healing Substances and invisible elemental entities which nurtures them for the benefit of mankind. Honey, Olive Oil, Mustard Seed, and some special plants are among them. In Health crisis situation some special natural substances are researched upon or initiated for use as solution. Honey can serve as the base for many medicinal healing plant extracts. On this premise, I will add that the most recommended is the purely derived Honey from Bee Hives.
On the side of the Psychic formula ever compiled by some group of Psychic healing practitioners is the use of Honey and other Nature derived portion for things like Success Attraction Portion, Fertility Portion etc However, I want to focus more on the Medicinal value of Pure Honey. 
       Honey serve as the best base for medicinal plant extracts. I did a blog post previously on the Four Nature Wonder Healing Substance for Covid-19 prevention and possible treatment along with other useful Orthodox Drugs. In that Formula, I introduced the use of these combinations; Honey, Mustard Seed Powder, Garlic Paste, and Ginger Powder and the best dosage to be administered. However, in a later post I will be writing about the combination of Honey, Astragalus Plant extract, Ginseng and any other Antiviral Herbs for the treatment of Corona Virus related infections. 
It should be known that Honey have antioxidant properties. Also very rich in highly beneficial nutrients, minerals and vitamins including Vitamin B12, Amino Acid etc To get the best of their beneficial functions seek for Pure Honey derived from the Bee Hives and not the adulterated syrup artificially fabricated. In addition Honey also have both Antibiotic and Anti-inflammatory properties.  
5 medicinal uses for honey

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