Thursday 28 October 2021

The Medical Benefits Of Music, Part 1

 Quoting from the Cleveland Clinic Report, Ohio, U.S.A; "Music therapy is an evidence-based treatment that helps with a variety of disorders including cardiac conditions, depression, autism, substance abuse and Alzheimer's disease. It can help with memory, lower blood pressure, improve coping, reduce stress, improve self-esteem and more". 

However, in one of the works of Shakespeare this citation can be derived; "If music be the food for the Soul, play on..........".

   A biblical event describes the assistance of the young David in his glorious days to the King before him, King Saul who had mental challenges arising from a Psychological trauma with the use of Music Therapy. The story was given a literary interpretation by some persons who not been aware that the Israelite at that time even to the time of the Master Jesus presence on earth gave a wrong impression to "Psychological Trauma", as been oppressed by the figurative evil spirit. Psychological trauma is misunderstood by some Christian Religious Minds as "demonic possession" or "been oppressed by evil spirit". Psychological trauma do arise from several mental health factors or psycho-social factors. King Saul was faced with the horrible mental impression that befell him at the behest of the bloodshed incurred by the series of war events up to that of the Amelekites. 

Music Boosts Brain Chemicals; Listening to music increases the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is the brain's “motivation molecule” and an integral part of the pleasure-reward system. It's the same brain chemical responsible for the feel-good states obtained from eating chocolate, orgasm, and runner's high. 
Neurological researchers have also proven that listening to music triggers the release of several neurochemicals that play a role in brain function and mental health: dopamine, a chemical associated with pleasure and “reward” centers. And also stress relieving hormones like cortisol, serotonin and other hormones related to immunity. 

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