Friday 22 October 2021

The Divine Origin Of Music

 Music resonated with the "Audible Streams Of Vibration" [Divine Sound]. The Harmony of Divine Sound was the First Musical Note in Creation. There is in reality the Music of Nature. Playing of the right musical notes with absolute harmony, with a melodious musical instruments and not defiled by human words gives a unique impression to the human intuition which attest to this fact. 

   In the Christian Bible, David to whom the book of Psalms was attributed to in parts was noted by some Scholars to have given the impressions in that rendition of Psalms with singing notes. However, that was attributed to David in his most youthful age when not yet defiled by the vanities of his later ascension to the throne as King of Israel. It was narrated that King Saul who was there before him, developed a psychological problem overtime and David in his most youthful period helped King Saul with his gift of playing some Divinely Inspired musical notes from his musical instrument that helped resolve the psychological trauma of the King. Shakespeare in one of his works made a popular maxim, "If music be the food of Soul, play on.........".

   In one of the Indian Arts from the Ancients which still exists today but of absolute symbolism, Sri Krishna is shown holding the flute which is believed to be played with "Divine Inspiration". The rhythm of the musical note derived from the flute held by Krishna was believed to be one of the expressions of the Sound of God by devotees of the "Bhagavad Gita". The Bhagavad Gita is one of the Oldest Scriptures in the World along with the Chinese Scripture, "Tao Te Ching" which are far older than the Christian Bible, facts based on Archaeological, Anthropological and Chronological evidence. The holding of the flute by Krishna in the Indian Art, symbolizes the "Song of God" by some scholars. However, Bhagavad Gita is a Sanskrit word which actually meant the "Song of God". 

Taoist Scholars [devotees of Tao Te Ching] also teach that pure music not defiled connects with God and Nature. Awakening inner harmony and balance in all things. Divine Power which emanates from the harmony of the "Masculine and Feminine Principles" of Creation is connected with the Music of Nature or Creation. 

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