Monday 4 October 2021

Introduction To Sound Current Meditation

 At the beginning of Creation was the Audible Streams Of Vibration or Divine Sound and the Divine Light. The Sound was vibratory as well as initiating the Creative Process. The Sounds of God were conveyed through the Spiritual into the Lower Worlds and as Human Spirits migrated through the Spiritual to the Soul Plane and the Lower Worlds, the Sound of God was echoed in their purest state of expression. Though some human are not able to decipher this through their been carried away with wrong attention on the material vanities. However, the Human Spirits have their origin associated with the Divine Sound Current as described in the Bible in the Genesis 1, "And God said, let us create mankind after our image and likeness....................", but it should be noted that Biblical sections were just symbolic and not to be given Literal interpretations. 


The above inscription is derived from the Vedic Scriptures, Nada Brahma been a Sanskrit as transliterated above. I would love to add a quote from Kirpal Singh below.............

“Once the life-stream becomes audible, one is never lonely; for he hears its reverberations at home and abroad.

The Voice of God keeps reminding him of the true home of his Father.  The practice of Sound Principle rids one of all troubles and afflictions…”

— Kirpal Singh 

Every human should make the effort to decipher the sound current of God and contemplate on them. The first is to keep the inner state calm and focused on the purest state of mental expressions free from all vain thoughts. This can be done by siting relaxed emptying the mind of all distracting thoughts and with the back upright. Close your eyes and take twelve rhythmic breath of inhale and exhale. Chant this sound, "Ahum Ra Ma" like this in a stressed tone, 21 times, "Aaahh Huuummm Raaaa Maaaaa". Ensure that the mmm sound in Ahum is stressed longer. Imagine in your Mind been engulfed by the Light and after the Chant, maintain inner and outer silence for a while with eyes closed focused on the "Inner Light". You will notice something that will not be described within the context of this post but for your practical experience. 

 As a further note I would love to add this fact.The Sound Current is the basis of all life.  It is the audible stream of energy that comes from the center of creation.  It is the spiritual energy on which a person returns to the heart of creator. The Sound Current is mentioned or studied in many religions.  In the Christian Bible, it is referred to as “the Word.”  There is a yoga tradition that focuses on the Sound Current called Shabda Yoga. In MSIA, the sacred tones chanted in spiritual exercises are in harmony with the Sound Current of God.The Sound Current is the true self. When you are in the Sound Current, you may feel a vibration, a rhythm, a hum, a tone. If you are with the Beloved, you don’t need anything else because you’re riding right in the center of the Sound Current, and like the center of the storm, it is quiet and calm. What we do in spiritual exercises is to work towards the center, towards the Sound, the true self, the Beloved.

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