Friday 22 October 2021

Special Intonations And Mantras as well as their effects on the chakras or pranas [psychic centers] and outer human experiences.


N.B. Before reading it should be noted that what you will learn should not be used as a substitute for hospital treatment or medical assistance for Ill health conditions. However, you will learn how to get speedy recovery with the technique to be learnt as well as what can help you overcome an unpleasant situation in life. Do not ignore the power of Creative Visualization. Use good imaginations and positive words along with what you will discover and get great outcomes with them. 

As everything in the universe is sound or vibration, a disharmony in one of those sounds or a break in the unfolding of the sequence of sounds, leads to discomfort, disease, and a loss of wholeness. For example, if one musician in an orchestra is playing off-key, there is a loss of harmony in the whole piece of music. You can correct that by having a second musician stand next to the first one and play the correct notes. Just by hearing the correct notes, the first musician will automatically begin playing correctly.

Similarly, if there is a disharmony in your physiology, and you know the correct vibration for that area, you can begin to correct the imbalance by chanting or toning that sound. For example, if you have a problem with your eyes, and you know the sound relating to the eyes, you can activate the healing process for that area by chanting that sound (silently or aloud) and directing the vibration into the area of the eyes. 

Examples of Toning Sounds for the Body;

Kaa Gaa Ghathroat
Yaa Yu Yijaw
Mamreproductive organs
SssssLungs and large intestine
ShhhLiver and small intestine
WoooKidneys and bladder
UU-AH-EE-MMEnergizing, wakeup
MM-EE-AH-UURelaxing, bedtime

The vowel sounds Ahaa, Eee, Eye, Ooo, Uuu are non-local or non-specific. If you don’t know the sound for an area of the body, you can chant any of the vowel sounds and direct its vibration into that area.


1st Chakra, base of the spineLAAM
2nd Chakra, sacral areaVAAM
3rd Chakra, navel areaRAAM
4th Chakra, heart areaYAAM
5th Chakra, throat areaHAAM
6th Chakra, between eyebrowsKSHAAM
7th Chakra, crown (top) of headOM

Bells, Gongs, and Bowls

Bells, gongs, or bowls that have a clear ring when struck can be used for balancing and clearing energy. Unless a metal bell, gong, or bowl has been tuned to a specific frequency, they can only be used for general purposes.

To clear the body’s energetic field, strike the instrument and circle it clockwise around the body, move it up and down the limbs, move up upwards along the front of the spine.

To clear a room or home, play the instrument while standing in the center of the space or move around the edges of the space in a clockwise direction, striking/ringing the instrument.

Crystal bowls are manufactured to specific vibrations, usually to the vibration of one of the chakras. They can be used for general balancing and clearing as described above or played in front of the specific chakra, with your attention on that chakra.


There are mantras for just about anything you can imagine. There are mantras to restore health, bring wealth, change the weather, remove problems, cure snake bites, welcome a new baby, and create peaceful coexistence, just to mention a few.Silently repeating a mantra draws the awareness inwards to transcend the external world and merge with the non-Silently repeating a mantra draws the awareness inwards to transcend the external world and merge with the non-local value of existence that was there at the moment of birth. This reconnects you with your true self, an infinite, immortal field of pure consciousness.

In the Vedic tradition of India, mantras are often associated with a particular deity and by chanting the mantra you activate the archetypal energies associated with that deity. It’s important to remember that the deities are really a projection of your true self. By chanting these mantras, you are simply activating the energies already lying dormant within you.

Perhaps the most well known of the deity mantras is … OM NAMAH SHIVAYA

Lord Shiva is considered to be the first yogi and this mantra activates the pure silence, pure awareness, and pure potentiality within you.

There are too many to list them all but here two other important mantras.

Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra

This great Shiva mantra is to prevent untimely death, physical ill health, fear, sorrow, and depression.

It helps to create universal peace, gives energy and zeal, removes ignorance, and destroys anger, selfishness, and vengeful thoughts.

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe

Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam

Urvarukamiva Bandhanat

Mrtyor Mukshiya Mamrtat

Gayatri Mantra

It is said that all sickness is really home sickness. For those of you on a spiritual journey, your cure is to return home to your true self. After eons of wandering, you remember that you are and always have been an enlightened being. The Gayatri mantra is the one for enlightenment.

Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvaha

Tat Savitur Varenyam

Bargo Devasya Dhimahi

Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat 

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