Wednesday 16 February 2022

The Spiritual And Psychic Significance Of The Candle Light And A Special Magical Formular To Manifest A Wish Involving The Candle Light.


                            Be the Light That Helps Others See | Candle in the dark, Shine your light,  Helping others

The formative elements of Nature were described by the "Siddha System" of Philosophy which is connected to some Mystic, Esoteric and Spiritual Philosophies as follows; "Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Ether". The aspect of Fire is what I will emphasize on in my introductory discuss on the significance of the Candle Light. The element of Fire represents "transformation". Fire changes everything it interacts with, such as making a paper with written inscriptions to burn into ashes or make a cold water boil for a mix with tea or coffee. This transformational energy is been utilized in "Candle Light Magic", as a symbolic act by channeling a wish into bringing about certain manifestations and changes in life when integrated with other symbolic acts as well. Fire can be used as a Symbolic Representation of "a Spiritual Presence" apart from the heat or warmth felt from it. 

                   Premium Photo | A woman is sitting in a room by candlelight. a young girl  looks at burning candles and wonders at her betrothed

    In the biblical story of "Moses and the burning bush" it was reported that a Divine Spirit communicated to him through the medium of Fire. Also "the symbolic tongues of Fire" which was reportedly seen among the disciples of Jesus[Yahshua], the Christ on each others head in a trance state was believed to be in connection to the Divine Spirit. Hence, the Candle Light is used to create an atmosphere of connection with the Divine Spirit under the right medium. Ancient Egyptian, Ancient European and Asian Mystic Temples dedicated to the "Angels of Light" used Fire in their religious processions. Also the early disciples of Zoroaster after his ascension used the "Fire" as a medium of connection in their Spiritual Exercises. There are "elemental beings" associated with Fire which actually have "Supernatural functions". The "indwelling human spirit" [the innate conscious life force] in a physical body responsible for the actual consciousness of the body; vibrates through the entire framework of the body, and also provide the actual feelings and warmth of the body through their thermal effect on the biochemistry of the body as well. In some school of Spiritual thoughts, Fire can also be used in symbolic connection to the Human Spirit and as well as the Divine Spirit, however, some may use the term, "The Blue Flame of the Spirit". The "Blue Flame Of the Spirit" is also of the element of Fire but in its purest form and goes beyond the Physical senses, and can be visualized with the vision of the Soul within. The Vibration of the "Blue Flame of the Spirit" is absolutely Positive without any expression of negativity. As for the ray of the Candle Light, both that which is Positive and Negative can be initiated with it. In reading this Post, I must warn that the negative use of the Candle Light rays will later produce very unpleasant karma to the initiator. Please, use the Candle Light Magic for only good. Magic is given as a Creative attribute in every human by the "Divine Spirit", to be used for their sojourn in the Lower Worlds which can help them in overcoming any given challenges they maybe faced with.

                          How Do Intention Candles Work? - nécessité

The element of Fire is directly connected to the Divine Light which vibrates in our Spirit. There is the "invisible inner flame" of our Spiritual Self. Focusing attention on the Fire with a feeling from within us, is actually a means of externalizing the "inner flame of the spiritual self" in harmony with the "external flame of the fire". Concentration can be enhanced through a gauze on the burning flames of the Fire. The Candle Light do actually help to lit up a dark room, to get the room cascaded with Light. In the Christian Bible, in the introductory verses of the Bible, the symbolic description can be stated as, ".......the Spirit of God vibrated through the face of the void which was in total darkness. Then with the expression, "Let there be Light", the Light manifested and extinguished the Darkness". As earlier described in the Lighting of a Candle in a room which was earlier in a physical dark mode, the Light replaced the Darkness. The symbolic connection with the Candle Light can be simply understood from that context. Hence, the Spiritual significance of the Candle Light. The Spiritual vibration of the "Master Within" can be focused in alignment with the Candle Light. 

  The Psychic Significance is in reference to the Magical functions of the Candle Light. As Imaginations and Concentrations can be enhanced through focusing attention on the Ignited Candle. The resonance established can be used to transmute certain mental impressions into manifestations in a specialized ritual or symbolic integrations. The Mind connects with the Divine Energy through Pure Imaginations and thought processes, the Candle Light have positive effects in the visualization efforts. However, the fire ignited on the candle light is a concentrated one to a focal point or locus and when used with the right magical formulations will produce exceptional wonders. The use of Candle Light is integrated in the field of "White Magic", Divine and Spiritual Sciences. The powerful effect is not meant to be misused or targeted for evil. For you not to incur unpleasant karma, do not use Candle Light Magic formulation for projecting into others peoples life what are undesirable to them. The Golden Rule is to use the Candle Light Magic for personal benefits due to the significance of the Law of Karma. This Post will only illustrate a simple magical formulations that is a "do it yourself technique" and of personal benefit to the one involved only. 

                         Candles - Pink | Pink candle magic, Candle magic, Pink candles

     Before trying to use "Candle Light Magic" for the manifestation of a wish as will be further illustrated in the post, it is important to take note of this inward and outward preparations and lessons. Everything we wish to manifest in prayers and magical techniques can only be possible if the condition is right for manifestation. The Cosmic Intelligence determines what is beneficial for the well-being of a Soul. Every life experiences will help the Soul to learn if willing to learn. However, inculcating positive volition will attract positive outcome. 

I Am About To Reveal To You An Easy Candle Light Magic Formulation That Will Get Your Wish Manifested Without Any Barrier. Please do not use Red or Black Candles for the exercises below. Also check the comment section of this blog post for my recommended Colored Candles and their Psychic functions and purposes. Please, Read Through The Following Guidance Below, Patiently To The End And Further Readings On The Post As Well. Please, Also Get The Ready Availability Of Pen And Paper To Also Write Them Now! 

                   holy bible lit by candle light Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty-free)  1022608126 | Shutterstock

    Get three Small Candles which you can wait for it to finish burning. You are not expected to off the Candle Midway into the exercise but to allow the Candle finish burning up on its own in order not to interrupt the magic and for absolute success in the act. 

You must empty your mind of all distracting thoughts before the exercise starts. Please, ensure the room is serene and no distractions are in the room as well. Also get a table stand for the exercise, a censer for the burning of a sweet smelling Frankincense, a suitable essential  oil like olive oil or mustard seed oil to anoint the candle before lighting up, a plain white paper and a red pen should be available to write the wish on the paper, and some white threads to tie the paper in which the wish is written on, around the body of the candle. 

Also make provision for a good chair to sit in front of the table and match sticks or lighter for igniting the candles. Before the exercise begins, empty your mind of all negative thoughts and emotions including fears, worry and doubts, because they may mess up the exercise. Think no other thoughts except the wish you want to get manifested, and also please ensure that a single wish is nurtured for a given exercise and not multiple wishes. Only a single wish should be imagined in the mind to accumulate the psychic energies to a concentrated focus. 

Tear out three plain white papers that can easily be wrapped on the body of the candle and write out on three line each for each of the three papers [making it 6 six repeated inscriptions], the single wish which you want to be manifested in a repeated format. Please use red pen to write them out. 

Before wrapping up the papers on the body of the candles with white threads provided, please anoint the three Candles. To anoint the three candles each, use either mustard seed oil or olive oil, do not make it excessive on the body of the candles. Simply rub the oil starting from top to the bottom, then bottom to the top of the Candle without touching the Candle lighting thread, and while doing so imagine the wish already manifested in your "mind eye". After that wrap the papers with the inscriptions on the body of the three Candles and with white binding threads, tie them firmly on the body of the candles. Place the three candles well fitted on the candle stands. Let them all be on the table provided. 

Get the provided censer for the burning of the frankincense which have been properly placed in it. Mix the Frankincense with the mustard seed oil or olive oil earlier provided and get the mix burning as the exercise begin and all through the exercise. Light up or ignite the Candles with a Match stick or lighter, with the table properly placed with all the provisions made available. 

Sit on the provided chair in front of the Candle Light on the table with the sweet smelling frankincense burning by the side, with back upright and legs slightly apart and palms on the laps, focus your attention on the Candle Light with no distracting thoughts, imagine only the single wish manifesting in the mind. Then take rhythmic breath of inhale and exhale during the process, do not off the Candle Light, allow the three Candles to burn up and off on its own. 

Do not re-ignite or relight the candle lights when they stop burning on their own accord, doing so is against the magical rule. When the Candle Flame stop burning, mission is accomplished on the Psychic Plane. 

Stay long on the focused attention on the Candle Light, before closing the eyes to chant the following,"Spiritual and Creative Sound", Ra Aum, like this; Raa Aaauummm, seven times, let the mmm sound be stressed longer. During the chanting focus attention on the center above the nostrils in-between the two eyes while the physical eyes is closed. This locus of "the third eye" can give you a glimpse of the ethereal realm with the two physical eyes closed. While chanting still try to maintain the imagination of the wish as if already manifesting in the mind. This efforts must get your wish manifest without any barrier as long as the Wish have the right condition for manifestation in place. Then decree your single wish with the mouth three times for example; if in need of wealth or financial breakthrough say to yourself, "I am wealthy and have great success in my economic endeavors", [take note declaring a thing which you want to manifest as if you already have it done, is the best way to fix them on the psychic realm before manifesting physically and the magical result is instant] then conclude with another chant of Ra Aum [but at that moment 3 times]. When the Candle and the Frankincense have finish burning, ensure you bury the debris derived from the exercises secretly. Do not do it in the presence of on-lookers. Make the described exercises private and confidential in honor of the "Law of Silence" which in itself is Power. 

 If you are impressed with the insight and enlightenment given above? Please, kindly give your kind encouragement and support to the author of this blog post with your Freewill donation. This will serve as a motivational effort and will also be of value in my effort to maintain the material resources required to keep up the job of delivering more inspiring blog posts.Your monetary support is appreciated with gratitude and prayers for your act of kindness."A giver never lack". Thank you and Divine blessings to you as you respond positively to the donation link below with a click on the buttons below; Buy Me A Coffee




1 comment:

  1. Please, as a follow-up comment on the above post, be wary of the Color of Candle used for the above described exercise. The Color of the Candle is of psychic significance. Personally, I caution my readers against the use of Black and Red Candle. Rather I recommend the use of White, Yellow, Green, Purple and Blue Candles for the exercises.
    White: promotes serenity and peace and enhances personal strength and insight.
    Green: helps bring your ideas to life and amplifies prosperity.
    Blue: connects with your chakras and any emotional wounds that need healing.
    Yellow: enhances your networking and social skills, bringing in new career opportunities. (Try keeping one on your desk—unlit or lighted for candle light magic.)
    Purple: boosts your spiritual enlightenment and creativity.


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