Tuesday 25 December 2018

The Nature Of Mankind, Innate Abilities Of The Mind And The Supernatural Priviledges Bestowed On Humans

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The human spirit animates the physical body which it uses in its earth life experiences and while been infused into it, it acquires the Consciousness of that unique physical form. The Human Spirit had descended through diverse realms of the worlds above the earth life. First it took up the nature of a Soul, and then it picked formative elements of the other worlds existing above the earth life. Some states of consciousness were earlier acquired before descending into the earth life experiences. Soul needs the Consciousness of essences and mediums related to other Worlds higher above to develop adaptations to the Worlds below because all the higher vibrations are played out in the Worlds below. The hermetic principles did state, “As above, so below”. The invisible higher world affects the nature of the physical lower worlds. The physical body of human on earth vibrates in accord with the indwelling Spirit which became a “Soul” to inhabit the worlds of which it must sojourn to learn the necessary experiences needed for its further development. 
     Following up the injunction of Socrates and Plato with respect to this is “Man know thy self for this is the beginning of Wisdom”. The actual self is not merely the physical form. When the Soul is ready for an earth life experience it enters the developing fetus in the womb of the pregnant woman at around the mid month of pregnancy. Prior to such incarnations, the Soul is cloaked with the Etheric, Psychic, Causal and Astral Forms. These forms all relates to all the planes of existence previously inhabited and they have certain vibrations which the Soul acquires. 
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     The Indwelling Spirit or the Soul is the actual life and consciousness a physical body possesses. Its vibration on the brain become manifest as “Mind”. The Mind is defined by some school of thought as a psycho-chemical complex formed through the interaction between the “Individuated Conscious Life Force” also known as Spirit and the brain. The expression or identity of the mind was wrongly ascribed to the “heart location” among the unenlightened religious thinkers in the ancient times. This was also influential in the wrong assumptions of thoughts and imaginations arising from the heart symbolic region among such unenlightened religious thinkers of the ancient times. The brain of the human is actually where organized psychological studies ascertain as the central control of all other nervous system of the human biological framework. The entire human biological system including the blood radiations and circulations are possible through an indwelling conscious life force or “Conscious Energy Form”. Hence, the Conscious Energy Form also known as Spirit or Soul vibrates in the entire human biological system starting with the atoms and cells. 
     The Mind identified earlier is what makes the individual to express himself intelligently and consciously in the material worlds. It developed for mankind creative instincts to have a direction and focus within what is conceivable in the lower worlds. The Spirit is the actual basis for perceptions, imaginations, and conscious experiences even when the psychic framework of the mind is dropped in the higher realms, the Soul or Spirit continues as such. However, the mind serves as a medium of expression of the Spirit in the physical and can consciously direct the influx of Creative Energies of the universe that the human body encounters. The Creative Energies of the Universe aligns with the Spirit but with the imaginative faculty of the mind, there are mental imagery, awareness and mental events conceivable in relation to the physical senses. Those tangible forms the mind can create are symbolic or actual forms in consonance with structures that have dimensions, consistencies and identities. Through the mind, experiences in the physical world are interpreted to the senses. Also the mind conceives and interprets the frequencies of vibrations that it has an impression of, from the higher realms of existences beyond the physical. The Mind is what help interprets paranormal impressions. 
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     The Powers of God emanating from the locus of the Self Existence of the Almighty Divine permeates the entire creation which actually is projected with the Principles of Love. The “Love of God” is the vital essence of the Power of God in creation. When the Human Spirit was created from the radiations of the Divine Beings within the Absolute Will of the Almighty God, the conscious experiences and expressions of the Power of God was anchored to its consciousness. The physical body can also express Divine Powers through the use of Mind which utilizes the mental activities in the lower worlds as well as the attributes of creativity. However, there exist diverse centers for expression of psychic energies in the body known as the psychic centers or chakras. The Mind is what defines the imaginative abilities of the Spirit and some events around the individual come to the individual’s awareness through the mind. As thoughts are created, impressions are conceived. Mind determines the thought pattern which is only possible through the vibration frequencies decoded from the universal energies as well as other nature of energies and radiations encountered. Imaginations are imagery and events merely or intensely visualized in the mind. Thoughts go into the mental impressions that also involve mental wordings. An imagination condenses into thoughts and some may go to the extent of vocalizing or holding back their thought in silence. From the thought patterns, behavior patterns are affected. The way an individual talk is also affected by the way an individual thinks. Thoughts and communication pattern have a strong co-relationship. Imaginations and thoughts are aligned to universal energies and cosmic impressions associated with it. 
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    The Soul in the human body has emotions connected to the mind which it acquires to express himself in the lower worlds and as well as determine its conscience. Hence, what is good or bad is defined as such. Within the cosmic weaving, creative currents that exist in the lower worlds manifest with the balancing of positive and negative charges or active and passive currents. Positive and Negative Charges exists as nature forms of currents with a Cosmic purpose but the Positive is the only one that needed to be isolated in expression sometimes and do have a progressive effect. If the negative is isolated it may degenerate to what the Nature Law of Emotion define as bad. Positive and Negative Charges delineated as Masculine and Feminine aspects of nature is not connected with emotion and cannot be identified as good and bad. The nature of expression as interpreted by emotional impulses is considered good and others considered bad in relation to the nature of human volition. When the individual uses the thoughts and imaginations for good purposes or outcomes the effect is progressive but when used wrongly or for a bad purpose then retrogressive effects sets in. The Creative Currents of the Cosmic aligns with thoughts and imaginations but can only become manifestations when there are circumstances that allow the manifestations. Individuals’ life experiences are actually affected by the nature of their thoughts and imaginations. When the effects goes into the cosmic weaving, the Soul personality which gave rise to the consequences of the projections are held liable for the outcomes; whether they know of if it as right or wrong in what they have set in motion. There are vibrations in connections with nature forces as it relates to what an individual imagines, thinks, says and acts.   
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The cosmic vibrations are nature vibrations that relates to an individual according to the nature of their entire volition. The mind is conscious of its environment through the “waking state awareness” also known as the Conscious Mind. Experiences of the mind can be retained in the form of memory as well as replayed as flashes of impressions called the Subconscious Mind. The subconscious mind can replay events stored in it as symbolic mental events played out as dreams and trances. The Master Mind is when the mind uses the Creative Energy of the universe to perceive things and create things which influence conditions as well as program events that manifest in the life of an Individual. The Nature Law of cause and effects is what regulates what is programmed by the Master Mind. It is called the Master Mind because human are originally created as Masters of their destiny and fate in life. Things manifest in the life of an individual to offer the necessary lessons of life. He or she attracts what they have earned through the nature of imaginations, thoughts, spoken words, and physical deeds.

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