Wednesday 13 February 2019

How To Use Astrology To Determine Love And Emotional Compatibility Of Two Opposite Genders In A Romantic Relationship Or Marriage, Part 1

                                    Can Astrology Tell You If Your Relationship Will Last? |
There are intense expressions of Love. Some get crazy about their feelings in a whirlwind romance where they seem not to be able to stay away from each other sight and touch. Obviously sexual chemistry is extremely important in healthy relationships, but while infatuation fades, true love is resilient. 
      Lasting love happens when you are seen, appreciated, and understood by your partner. It also happens when you accept your mate as a wildly complex individual and are inspired by both their strengths and weaknesses. When you find someone you’re truly compatible with, you vividly illuminate each other. You are comfortable in your own skin and unapologetically yourself, adored for all of the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make you beautifully unique. This type of magical partnership can feel like it’s written in the stars — and according to astrology, it is. 
                                          Zodiac Signs Compatibility in Relationship
    There are a plethora of approaches used by astrologers to calculate celestial compatibility. Astrologers look at synastry, midpoints, progressions, and transits to identify the best matches for their clients. While these processes can quickly become extremely complex and rigorous, even the most seasoned astrologers still evaluate compatibility based on sun sign.Your sun sign is determined by your date of birth and represents your core personality. The most accepted technique to determine compatibility is based on element: You are always best matched with another fire, earth, air, or water sign. Another approach is to consider your opposite sign (the sign that occurs during your half-birthday): While opposite sign matches can often have a bit of an odd-couple vibe, the counterbalance within these pairs make for some of the most dynamic duos (classical romance figures in history are some examples). 
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   The stars can also help you avoid shitty partnerships. Incompatible relationships can manifest in many ways, but at the end of the day, ill-fated matches stifle self-growth, feed insecurities, and create toxic dynamics. Though there’s no single way to spot one, a simple astrological trick used to calculate incompatibility is to identify the signs two away from your own (in either direction). In astrospeak, these signs create unfavorable “square” aspects — difficult 90-degree angles that create tension, anxiety, and miscommunication. Love is an exciting, scary, and powerful thing — use the cosmic compatibility guide ahead to discover your most and least compatible sun signs and help make sense of it all. Of course, the most accurate assessment will come from the lived experience the universe provides you. And remember: All relationships require hard work, dedication, mutual respect, and trust. 
                                       Relationship Astrology: Understand Your Love Life Based on Your Natal
   There are twelve zodiac signs or symbolical expressions and they are; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. These are also grouped or classified within the nature symbolism or elements of EARTH, FIRE, WATER AND AIR. I will give further insights on the zodiac symbolism but be rest assured with "good expression of Will Power" those predispositions can be altered in a more favorable direction. The traits description below is only a chance occurrence, or what the individual in the given Zodiac is more likely to express but can be changed. 
      The Elements
The zodiac signs use another type of grouping – the elements. These fundamental elements are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water – each of which is connected to one another in some ways, just like the natural world. The signs that belong to each element are as follows:

     Fire – Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire represents light and radiance, so signs with the Fire element generally demonstrate positive qualities and values such as love, passion, zeal, courage, spirituality, and individuality.On the other hand, fire may also symbolize destruction, which can make Fire signs temperamental.

   Earth – Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.Earth signs are known to be realistic and practical in their ways. They are well-grounded people, meaning they see the value in starting with a solid foundation. Plus, they are considered “builders” who do things slowly but surely. 
   Air – Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.The air can be a powerful force, which symbolizes man’s ability to put their ideas into action. Contrary to earth signs, people in this element are detached from earthly things.
   Water – Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.This element indicates that people under this grouping are sensitive to all sorts of emotions, representing the vastness of the sea itself. A sense of security is important for people born to the water sign. 
Image result for picture or photo info on zodiac readings with nature elements

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