Friday 21 December 2018

The Significance Of Charged Words And Special Sounds; Their Spiritual, Psychic And Physical Advantage In Miraculous Life Experiences

                            Instagram post by Sian's Sound healing • Oct 11, 2020 at 7:24am UTC |  Universe quotes spirituality, Spiritual manifestation, Spiritual quotes
Before the beginning of creation, God existed in the formless void but his existence without form may be scientifically described in relation to Energy. Divine Energy in the infinite expression as the Primordial Life existed before Creation of which the Almighty, God is identified using a defined term. Within the active expression is the “Supreme Intelligence” which transcends the human concept of intelligence. This explains the active “Will to Create” expressed in the Divine Energy before the conception of Creation. The expressions were in pure vibrations and the vibration existed in the form of Sound beyond what can be identified in human language. Subsequently, the expressions of God as the Primordial Life manifested as Light also beyond the human conceptualization of Light. From the Light and subsequent vibrations in the form of Sound as described not to be interpreted in human language or words, acts of creation manifested. The acts of creation exist within the expression of “Supreme Intelligence” which may be described as the Divine Will. In the Bible, the Gospel according to John chapter 1 started with the expression, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God……………” That Word was the symbolic term for the Divine Vibration existing in the form of the “Creative Sound”.
   The Creative Sound manifests in the weaving of the Universe or in the Cosmic Weaving but polarized in diverse expressions in the Lower Worlds. The Spiritual Origin of Human helps them achieve unique feats with the impacts of the Creative Sound. Within the Human Spirit, the Divine Energy manifests in unique vibrations which further help each individual achieve special privileges available to them from the Universe or Cosmic. The Primordial Creative Sound have been viewed differently by diverse school of thoughts both from Hinduism, Buddhism, Surat Shabda Yoga or Nada Yoga, Sufi, Rosicrucian, Theosophy, etc. Some say the Primordial Creative Sound is OM. While some say HU, some also say HUM which they chant in resonance with AH as AHUM. To avoid any confusion it is important to note that all identified sounds, OM, AHUM, and HU are aspects of the Creative Sounds which the Human Spirit can possibly sense in relation to other sounds that have Spiritual and Psychic significance. The Almighty God, has made mankind to have assess to what is beneficial to their Spiritual and Psychic Vibrations. However, the Divine Spirit has to manifest at the level which is in resonance with the Spiritual but interpreted by the Human State of Consciousness. That is to say that the Primordial Creative Sound is purely Divine and what the human spirit can sense is purely at the Level of the Human Spirit at their highest level of purity. What is important to the understanding of the Human Spirit is that which they get from the diverse expressions of the Divine Currents available to them. With OM which is the most popular among diverse Spiritual and Mystical Traditions, the Human Consciousness makes the Cosmic Weaving directional according to the pattern of the mental faculty of the one intoning the Sound. The OM chanting is with absolute care by those who knows how powerful the sound is. However, OM is directional in use by the chanter and is not advisable when the chanter is troubled by influx of negative thought which disturbs him or her in certain situation in life. OM requires absolute positive mindset to get good outcomes. One can only be momentarily passive in the chanting of OM when the pure mindset is stable.
       HU is very helpful but requires the total confidence of the chanter in its positive outcomes. In the Shabda Yogi or Nada Yogi School of Thought, the chanting is one of the vital aspects of their Spiritual Exercises. The effect of AHUM which meant in English, "I AM", is purifying in function. The Earliest Founders of Sufism like Rumi felt that Allah, the Arabic name for God should come with HU. This is a very good harmonization of sound because the Word, Allah has the Spiritual Sound, AH. So the expression ALLAH HU is a very helpful chant with both Directional and Non Directional Functions to be used by all who knows the advantage whether Sufi, Muslim or Non Muslim or Non Sufi. The Directional Purpose looks magical but goes beyond that. Eckankar do teach the non directional but absolutely helpful purpose of HU, but some other School of thoughts has used HU chanting on occasional basis for directional purpose with absolute effects that are helpful on the positive side for example, "The Movement For Inner Spiritual Awareness" initiated by Dr John-Roger Hinkins. The impact is that the chanting of that sound is proven to make the Aura of an Individual and the Surrounding Environments more easily open to the helpful currents of the Divine. The Individual Spirits aligns with higher vibration frequencies which are propelled into manifestations through certain circumstances or events that usually flow with pleasant feelings and unique experiences. HU chanting relaxes the individual’s autonomic nervous system. But HU can be proven from my experiment with sounds to be great in effect when chanted with Allah as this; ALLAH HU. HU chanting is not advisable by me to be mixed up with OM on a given Spiritual Exercise rather if HU is chanted then OM is suspended for a while but other harmonizing sound which will be explained later can be used.
      Most Spiritual Traditions and Mystical Systems were inspired by the teachings of visionary adepts or “Avatars” who had the privileges of exploring “higher vibration frequencies” decoded by their Spirits. Some of their insights and experimental findings which form the basis of their Spiritual and Psychic Experiences were shared with Seekers who may have taken advantage of them to fill up their “Intellectual Ego”. Some have used the guidance to find for themselves their own frontier of Spiritual Insights which they used for an Ideal purpose. However, there seem to be some elements of superiority complex among Modern Mystery Schools and Spiritual Movements of which some claim that their experimentally certified “Golden Sounds” or Invocation Sounds or Spiritual Sound stands superior to that of other systems, for example the group known as Eckankar indentifies HU as that above all other sound, while the Hindu, Theosophist, Rosicrucian etc have faith in the use of OM but also believe in other Sounds. There are groups who make a spiritual business or profiteering from the paranormal experiences found in spiritual exercises stumbled upon through membership of such organization which is sustained at a high price but this blog do not seek to do name callings of such groups. Please my dear reader be wisely guided from within and avoid spiritual scams. The fact is that the Human Consciousness attunes with God in diverse ways according to convictions which may differ from one individual to another. The Divine Current polarizes in diverse forms of expressions. This post can only offer the advantage of certain charged sounds but does not wish to identify any been superior to the other. 
                             What is HU? | HU is the Sound of Soul | ECKANKAR
     Sounds which human beings produce actually come from the vibration of the spirit within and there are links to the emotions which determine the nature of the sound. Words formed by humans intend to convey meanings and impressions to the physical senses programmed to be receptive to them but the first impact is from the psychic or mental faculties. They define and identify the nature of things, circumstances and events in forms which is strictly connected to ideas behind them. “Ideas” in themselves are realities and the essence behind all impressions and that which identify the nature of things. The mind aligns with words and sounds with frequencies of vibrations. When an impression or wish is conceived in the mind, the moments of nurturing, help to accumulate certain harmonious psychic energies within the Cosmic or Universe. After a while, there get to be circumstances that fine tunes the impressions or favors the manifestations of the thought forms or imaginations. Under these circumstances, words voiced in harmony with this do sometimes have magical impacts if the karma permits. Everything manifests from a premeditated wish or impressions when circumstances complement the mental patterns previously conceived. Some special words are infused with psychic energies manifesting from the nature of a “Will”. During momentary silence, the psychic energy gets stronger and stimulates vibrations on a higher plane of manifestations. Followed by words or sounds which stimulates the cosmic vibrations connected to the producer of the sound or words. 
                           Benefits of Chanting The Holy Name of The Lord | Srila prabhupada, Hare  krishna, Chants
     Silence is a very important aspect of those who wish to work actively with the higher levels of Spiritual and Psychic Expressions. Some individuals do realize that they best express themselves in “writings” than in vocal ways or spoken words of the mouth. Creative writings and readings exist at a very high level of spiritual and psychic expressions because they are done from highly established thoughts or imaginations. This is not referring to immoral writings or vague copying of other peoples’ ready made writings but I am referring to “idealistic creative writings” or self conceptualized ideas put into writings. What has been written down can have strong effect in the cosmic weaving but is directly linked to Ideas or Imaginations or Thought Patterns influencing it. However, writings help to nourish great Psychic Impressions held in silence. When special words are produced under the inducement of highly engaged psychic impressions, they are identified as “charged words”. Charged words are used to achieve unique feats synonymous with Special Sounds decoded from the Creative Energy of the Universe or Cosmic Vibrations. 
     In the Christian Religion, the name of the “Son of God” was given to the devotees in its original Hebrew word, “YAHSHUAH”. But later other cultures exposed to him as a messiah could not utter the Hebrew word but used YESUS which they used in reference to the original identity. What was essential to them back then was the meaning, “Savior”. From Yesus, the Anglo Saxon or English evolved the identity, Jesus. To make it precise to the person, the expression the Christ was added. The meaning which they implied as the Savior, the Son of God collectively used in faith through a “Group Consciousness”. The adopted name Jesus, the Christ, became highly charged overtime linking up to a stream of Spiritual Vibrations. This is designated to a highly powered region of the Cosmic which use the Essence behind the name to convey the special happenings to those who invoke that name. However, the original Hebrew name YAHSHUAH remains more superior in functions and goes some steps higher in the Source of highly powered center of cosmic vibration. Some other Spiritual Movements and Religion have special charged words attached to their “Avatars” which are infused with “Sacred Vibrations”. They have established for themselves through “Group Consciousness” and faith, power centers in certain realms of the Cosmic which they align with through “thought streams” and psychic vibrations. An example is the “Hare Krishna Ra Ma Chant” of the International Society For Krishna Consciousness. However, my writings go beyond the limits of religious expressions and address the pure spiritual expressions harmonious to all states of consciousness. 
                              Om Meaning – The Eternal Sound of the Cosmos | Om meaning, Meditation for  beginners, Transcendental meditation
     Before identifying highly beneficial spiritual exercises inline with the essence of this post, let me also add explanations on the spoken words used for creative purpose and magical effects. When a thought is held firmly in the mind, with a singular and focused wish held within, psychic energy is accumulated when silence is used to nurture the thoughts. It is also very powerful when the thoughts are visualized within the mind but for those with the problem of forming clear pictures of “creative visualization”, they have to rely on inward expressions of complementary mental wordings of a singular wish. Mental Words have similar effects as Mental Pictures. However, most magicians use both in very effective ways. Those practicing true white magic are effective schemas of “creative visualization” under sacred silence not those who advertise themselves but deceive the public with “sorcery”. Silence accumulates psychic energy but all mental impressions of a wish which is needed to be released into manifestations by the cosmic can only be fulfilled by complementary circumstances. After a deserving silence over a single wish preserved in the mind for a while, further drives is made through the force implemented by concentrated wordings of the wish through the spoken words of the mouth. This is very magical in effect if the circumstances for manifestations permit. Those who study the pure arts of creating with thoughts and spoken words do not exclude the workings of conditions that permit manifestations. 
     Special Sounds with vibrations as well as important spiritual exercises that should be noted by readers of this post are indentified as follows;
1] HU; this is a special sound derived from the higher realms of creation accessible to the human spirit. It is actually spiritual in nature but accompanied by special names of God promoted by some “Adepts”. Examples are; AHURA MAZDA [Lord Creator, Supremely Wise, which the Persian prophet Zoroaster talked about]. ALLAH HU made popular by Sufi and other Muslims in reference to God. 
A special spiritual exercise with the use of HU. 
      Sit in a comfortable place where you can maintain some sense of inner calm. Close your eyes and say some prayers to the Almighty God, asking for the forgiveness and the wiping away of your sins. Seek for the mercy of God and his Divine Assistance over an issue in your life that you need the help of God.
Then with eyes closed, focus your attention to the mid point in-between your two eyes above your nostrils. As you focus with eyes closed, chant these sounds or words for 15 minutes; Huuuuuu. Remember to take in deep breath and release the breath by an inhale and exhale rhythmically before each chant.
At the end of the chant focus your mind on the imagination of yourself been engulfed by “the Great White Light”. Then say to yourself after a while, “Let the Good things of Life come to me. And Good experiences which I wish for be made manifest. Aumen”.
The above spiritual exercise can bring miraculous outcomes in your life. 
2]AH HUM and RA MA; 
The identification “Human” have the connotations, HUM and AN, as HUM AN. Both have Spiritual connotations meaning there are special links to the pure spiritual vibrations in humans to the sound, HUM. This is not mere coincidence because everything manifesting at the physical is linked to the invisible forces that complements it. Focusing on the chant AH HUM, brings one to a heightened state of vibrations. RA MA harmonizes the active and passive currents of nature into a unified creative force with energies that serve for protective purposes. In the Hebrew Version of the Bible, the word RAMA implies, the Protector. Based on the given illustrations you can try the following spiritual exercise;
     As usual start with a prayer but you must sit relaxed in calm state of mind, then utter prayers in this format; “Lord, Creator, Supremely Wise, you are Almighty. I believe in your great love over me. Forgive me of all my sins and wipe away my sins. Grant me your Divine Privileges and Protection. Aumen.” Then close your eyes inhale and exhale deeply 12 times while imagining that you are in the protective warmth of the “Great White Light”. In-between each inhale and exhale chant these sounds, “AH HUM RA MA”, 12 times. After which you maintain some moments of absolute calm and silence. After say to yourself, “Let the Divine Grace, Protection and Blessings Be”. 
3] Manifesting a Wish with OM chanting; 
Follow the prayer format in the previous exercise but add a single wish of what you need most earnestly. For that singular wish close your eyes and imagine that wish been granted. Take 7 breaths of inhale and exhale rhythmically in-between which you chant the sound, OM like this Oooooommmmmmm. Ensure that the last mmmm sound is stressed longer than Ooooo. Then hold some moments of silence while the picture of the wish remains in your mind. Then say to yourself, “So Let It Be”. Please do not use this exercise for a wish that is bad. Focus on good wish to get good outcomes.

To align yourself with the Ideal Conditions to make all your positive wish come true with regards to the above illustration is to imbibe the positive virtues of Love and goodwill. Through the acts of charity, love and Divine service, negative karma previously incurred that have caused an "unpleasant condition" are eradicated. 

You can also connect with the "Ideal Conditions" to bring about good result in the practice of what I have illustrated in this post by making your kind freewill donations to me. Your kind freewill donations do serve as a motivation to my literary efforts as well as offer you the "open doors of Divine Blessings". THANK YOU!

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