Sunday 18 November 2018

The Law Of Mentalism And Successful Living

From a close observation of the Laws of Attraction in action we come to the Realization of the simple law of the Universe which says that like always attract like. Therefore, positive will attract positive, negative will attract negative. However, the mind bears the impressions of conceived actions and intentions. The Mind is the basis of all experiences in the Universe. It is the nature of our thoughts and imaginations that reflect as deeds or actions. Hence, these are not vain sayings, "as a man thinketh so is he", "where thy treasure is, there your mind will be also". 
     The Mind in relation to the Human Body exists in the form of a Psycho-chemical complex emanating from the interaction between the indwelling Spirit and Matter [Brain Cells]. In the Human Body, the Individual Mind uses the Brain Region as a central control unit.
   The Law of Mentalism as depicted in the Emerald tablet, states that, "The All is Mind: The Universe is Mental". To interpret this in a better term, I would say that the Universe operates in the network of minds. Everything manifest from "Mind". The Law of Mentalism is the first of the Seven Hermetic Laws. From all explained whatever is been attracted or perceived is based on the original impressions created. We interpret the universe in our own special or unique ways relative to each individual which forms the sum total of the Individual Experiences. 
    The Mind is a Psychic Medium which resonates with "the invisible waves" that permeates through the Universe. Nothing manifests without been initiated, the Cosmic Waves which circulates through the Universe are all processes based on Mind. There is a Mind which relates to God which engendered the beginning of creation and there are minds which relates to creatures of God of which the Human Spirit is connected to. Hence, all Human share of the creative abilities which can form their experiences based on the nature of such mental impressions. 
    When a Soul creates a picture of a wish within, the Universe is engaged to bring about like outcomes. Going further into acts like decree, affirmations or declarations which stimulates the process of cosmic programming, and if the natural conditions are in favor of the PSYCHIC VOLITION, we manifest the given Imaginations. Hence, mankind should beware of their thoughts, speech and actions because it may attract similar forms depending on the intensity and conditions that favor their manifestation. Success can be realized when you Imagine success in a highly concentrated thought process accompanied with making the right efforts towards its realization. 
 To align yourself with the Ideal Conditions to make all your positive wish come true with regards to the above illustration is to imbibe the positive virtues of Love and goodwill. Through the acts of charity, love and Divine service, negative karma previously incurred that have caused an "unpleasant condition" are eradicated. 

You can also connect with the "Ideal Conditions" to bring about good result in the practice of what I have illustrated in this post by making your kind freewill donations to me. Your kind freewill donations do serve as a motivation to my literary efforts as well as offer you the "open doors of Divine Blessings". THANK YOU!

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P.S. In case you wish to make a donation through "international money gram or western union or world remit etc", take note of the name and phone number; Abode Edwin Ohilebo, +2349157216925.

1 comment:

Insight On The Right Way To Start Up With Affirmation And Achieve A Progressive Outcome, For A Desired Wish Or Expected Goal In Life

Quite simply, an affirmation is a positive thought or statement in which you repeat to yourself and implant in your inner consciousness as ...