Sunday, 18 November 2018

Selfless Love The First Step In The Journey To The Luminous Heights

Selfless Quotes - BrainyQuote
Greetings to you all. I seek for your noble permission on this mind journey, the journey of the Soul and explorations of the bounties and beauty of life and nature. The inner recall of the Soul into what nature has made available to you but many have trifled this away in the pursuit of vanity, lust, attachments to mundane propensity, delusions, anger, jealousy and other things which negates those glorious ideals ever imagined. Hence, the Greek Philosopher, Plato likened God to the highest expression of Goodness, when we get to realize this we realize the absolute. The foundation of the Power that ushered creation was the Highest Form of Purity beyond Human Imaginations. 
 50 Nelson Mandela Quotes | AwakenTheGreatnessWithin
      As each Soul awaken to the Inner Self devoid of negative passions, such releases boundless love. Hence, many have become so dense in negativity that their inner beings is so programmed to manifest that which opposes the Ideal. Knowing the reason why we are here on earth, where we are going to on transition, does life just end in the grave or is consciousness transferable is so great a journey to embark upon. We got to make effort to know these by searching both within and externally through spiritual works as this as well as others written by Adepts with experiences of the Spiritual and other levels of consciousness beyond the Physical. 
    In the Purity of Nature, reflecting within and upholding the values is the Realization of Love beyond mere human understanding but with Enlightenment, the Inner Facts and Wisdom are unveiled. Love and Wisdom unites in the Divine Will, out of which every other uplifting virtues follow. Love erases all negative karma after the lessons are learnt, and which generates "self healing". Also pure love can be expressed in a suitable or ideal union of a man and a woman which can carry both to a greater or luminous heights beyond material constraints. Selfless Love is all about opening oneself to reflect the Idea of Light to others. Helping those in need and living a compassionate life is an effort to unveil greater vistas making you feel the wonders of nature both in the immediate and in the long run. Give without an expectation for reward in other not to defeat the obligations of selfless love, your giving or actions as well as inaction have its own time allotted for the result to come from the Cosmic which bounces back the result of our actions or inaction to us in multiple fold. I conclude my submission by saying, "Man know thyself for this is the beginning of wisdom". 
I wish you all Peace Profound and expect more articles in the follow up to this Post. 

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