Sunday, 18 November 2018

Introduction To The Seven Hermetic Laws Of Creation In Relation To The Path Of Self Fulfillment

The Seven Hermetic Laws Are The Laws Of Nature; 
These are the foundation of the Scientific Principles, Religious Principles, Mystical Principles and Spiritual Instructions. In the Golden Age of Ancient Egypt, some Seekers and Wise Men delved deeper into the understanding of the meaning of Life and Existence. Their inquisitive mind led to the wonders of the World to which they were noted for at that time, the development of writings which concealed higher knowledge revealed some many facts which seem scientific and philosophical. 
   The purpose of existence and what destination awaits the Soul of men on the death of the physical body, do life terminate at the death of the body? and many others were all issues the Ancient Egyptians were greatly concerned with. They also sought to understand the link between human experiences and the cycle of events found in nature. The Wise Ones explored deep into nature and offered their unique views about these. Those with more popularity attracted greater audience and overtime something that looks like a belief system were formed around it.  
   However, it is not always true that in the mass followings truths and spiritual facts can be realized. Mass followings are also subject to mass hallucinations, so was the problem of the Ancient Egyptian Religious System which had faults at some point in their convictions. However, in the midst of these, a sage stood astounding with his Postulations which was sometimes opposed by some renowned authorities of the time but against all odds, he made his mark in the "sands of time" with his Practical and Realistic Philosophies and Cosmological facts. His name was "Hermes Trismegistus" and the postulation which was attributed in his honor called the Hermetic Principles was preserved over the ages in the Emerald Tablet. 
   The Eternal or Spiritual or Divine Laws of Creation are also the foundation of the Hermetic Laws, and the realization of their implication in Human Experiences served as a Guide towards Self Mastery and unveils greater vistas of life. I will itemize the Laws derived from Hermes Trismegistus, Emerald Tablet. However, a unique maxim attributed to him which need to be decoded or deciphered states, "As above, so below". This statement is symbolic and as you journey with me on this Path of Enlightenment, greater facts will be unveiled. The Seven Hermetic Principles are as follows; 
  1. The Law of Mentalism
  2. The Law of Cause and Effect
  3. The Law of Polarity 
  4. The Law of Correspondence 
  5. The Law of Gender  
  6. The Law of Vibration 
  7. The Law of Rhythm                                                                                                                               
All the above Laws combine in various ways and in different degrees to give us what we identify as the "Law of Attraction".  

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