Dear Seekers, Aspiring Adepts And Readers,
I welcome you again, on this noble inquisition and Enlightenment. As you become aware of the "Path of Self Mastery", you come to the Realization that nothing happens by chance. Everything happens as an opportunity to gain some necessary experience that should help you learn something unique as regards the lessons of Life. Progression from an experience to the next level which in many cases are better than the earlier ones is only realized when the lessons is learnt and amendments made to any erring path. "No one should cry over spilled milk because that is a necessary happening that cannot be recovered", such is all Life Experiences especially when we encounter the consequences of our errors or faulty behaviors.
The Wisdom or Enlightenment to overcome comes when you learn the necessary lessons from all unfavorable happenings to which you are predisposed to, when the lessons are learnt, amendments follow suit. Many are unaware of this fundamental facts of life such that they are been predisposed to fatality or unlikely circumstances not planned for.

Hence, Dear Readers, the Law of Karma or Cause And Effect or Sowing And Reaping is an Eternal Principle which can never be done away with as far as Life Experiences are concerned. Also it is one of the Principles upon through which creation is consolidated. The law implies that all actions and inaction have their unique consequences, and also overtime the consequences of good volition brings its noble reward and bad or negative volition yield its necessary punishment. To bring about an outcome, an action must have initiated it. Hence, Selfless Love was preached by the Master Jesus [Yahshua] and many others like him whose mission were Spiritual And Divinely Ordained to heal and improve on the welfare of mankind. This was a step identified to help in eradicating the consequences of negative karma if Selfless Love is Mastered, the Soul is Illuminated from within giving it the strength to rise above all odds. Insights to overcome any life problem comes when you seek an answer to, "why you are were you are" and "what is the lessons to be learnt from it". If you attain such realization, you reflect deeper from within you on how best to overcome, and the next step to follow. No one exist in any place or condition by accident, only when we realize this can true progress be made.
To find an answer and solution to what condition you are predisposed to of which seem unfavorable, do realize that the answer and solution can be found within you. As you seek further Enlightenment on this Blog, I conclude this Post on this noting;
Peace Profound!