Saturday 4 April 2020

Introducing The Way Forward On The Covid-19 Saga And The Possible Solition Through Alternative Medicine Or Nature Based Healing Substance

I greatly admire China for their Wealth of knowledge in Alternative Medicine or Nature Based Healing Substance as recorded in History. With respect to this I am referring to the Traditional Chinese Medicine. China over time got carried away with the trend in the Western World and became involved with extreme materialism. However, with the latest trend in Western version of Science and Technology they achieved their own unique feat as they are a race of highly Intelligent People. The Hysteria and unsettled minds which accompanied the Corona Virus epidermic took them off guard and their materialistic drive had earlier taken them off from the True Ways of the Buddha and Lao Tzu. Some have wondered with the Wealth of Knowledge in the Traditional Chinese Medicine why would they still die in very high numbers of the Corona Virus related infections? Here in Africa there is an ancient adage ascribed to the Igbo tribe of Eastern Nigeria which states that, "a strong medicine man gifted in natural herbs may be taken off guard by the intensity of his own health problems which he never prepared for and weakened by it may not think clearly of ways to heal himself, then may require the help of another strong medicine man"[ufodu dibia anaghi agwo onwe fa]. China rose significantly in Economic Power and made great breakthrough in Science and Technology but all to the envy of some Western Countries. Covid-19 saga then came to be a shake in their economy and high numbers of physical deaths which subtracted from their population. Now some countries in the World became connected with the Covid-19 saga with subsequent infections. There can be Solution to the Covid-19 Saga if innovative minds with special gifts in Nature Based Healing Formula can be rightly motivated to do so with the mind well relaxed to explore Natural elements adequately. 
      There are indeed a lot of antiviral herbs fully researched upon by the Indian Board Of Alternative Medicine and some yet to be explored. The best solution to the Covid-19 saga is to fully explore the possibility of marrying both Nature Based Healing Formulas[Alternative Medicine] and Western Orthodox Medicine. Research in Alternative Medicine should be adequately funded and explored. Indigenous knowledge system in Alternative Medicine both from Africa, India and Asia such as China and Thailand should be recognized and researched upon. Also the Spiritual dimension to healing should never be underestimated because of their unique placebo effect on the medicine adopted for treatment. 

Herbal antivirals for resilience

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