Thursday 23 December 2021

The Spiritual And Psychic Significance Of The Year, A.D. 2022 From The Perspective Of Numerology; "What To Expect In Some Human Endeavors And Aspirations Next Year".

                          Rihanna Natal Chart & MBTI Type | Zodiac Birthday Astrology

I want to Specially Thank And Offer My Gratitude To The Almighty Divine For The Gift Of "Light, Life And Love". The Year A.D. 2021 is far spent, but some persons in diverse parts of the World may not have realized their expectations in terms of their productive ventures and aspirations. There are peculiar circumstances attributable to each of those Individuals who have not realized their expectations in their productive ventures. No one is a failure in Life, rather each Soul have a lesson to learn from life experiences leading to certain mastery for the purpose of improvements. There are also the place of Karma [The Law of Cause And Effect or Sowing And Reaping] in what some persons get from life experiences, which maybe defined as pleasant or unpleasant based on what the Individual's emotion interprets. In Life is the special love of the Almighty Divine in finding the Ideal Pathway suitable to each Soul. Through Self Discovery and Mastery, an Individual can find his or her true place in Life. Each Individual have "a place" suitable to them in the field of Life experiences. We are all unique and special creatures of the Almighty Divine. No one is a helpless child of God, rather we are all made to be Co-Workers and Co-Creators with God. 

N.B. In your reading through this post, get a pen and paper or booklet and take note of the essential details to be committed to memory.

                         40 Top Numerology Quotes | Sharp Quotes

    The Year A.D. 2022, can be estimated on the basis of Numerology and Theosophical deductions as 2+0+2+2=6. The Creative Value of the number 6 will help many who have mentally nurtured great aspirations in the year A.D. 2021 but have not been able to fully materialize them, to have them fully actualized in the year A.D. 2022. Many will be pleased with their expectations through the vibratory essence of the year A.D. 2022. Preparation for a better tomorrow starts with how we have planned and structured our economic affairs, emotional affairs and as well as the mental impressions cultivated. Things happen according to the efforts we have set into motion. What you give to life is what life gives back to you. We get from life experiences, what we have earned with the necessary lessons learnt for improvement in areas of Life Experiences which need improvements.

     However after all said, I wish to express this Idea that the Universe or Cosmic vibrates in patterns and frequencies which resonates with a Number Code also called Numerical Vibrations. The Ancient Greek Philosopher, Pythagoras, in the Field of Hermetic Philosophy had postulations on this. He saw number as a way of uniting the Individual Spirit with the Divine. He also postulated on the concept of the relationship between numbers and musical notes. The Positive Cartesian or Cardinals of Numbers, starts with 0 then 1 to 9 drifting right wards. However, Pythagoras was not the originator of the Principles of Numerology which dates back centuries before him. Pythagoras learnt a great deal from the Egyptian Mystery School during his earlier travels and quest for knowledge as well as Hermetic Philosophy from which he developed his own unique approach to Philosophy which he presented to the Western World. However, in my own writings, I have my own unique insights but inspired by Higher Sources of knowledge and metaphysical glimpse from great minds I agree with. However, my own Numerological postulations are uniquely explained and redefined for better clarity by me.

                          Discover Your Life Path and Purpose Based on Astrology and Numerology

     The Number 1 vibrates with the essence of unity and the origin of all things. It marks the act of beginning. The Number 2 represents "making the next step in the journey of life". The Number 2 is symbolic of the Feminine Principle in Creation. The Number 2 is also an indicator for duality and balance in nature. At the Impulse of the Number 1, which is the actual symbolic interpretation of the Genesis Act of the beginning of Creation in the Bible, the Light of God was defined. You can imagine the similarity in the shape of 1 and the candle stick which is lighted up in some acts of Meditation. When the Light of God expanded, the Divine Feminine took form at the Impulse of the Number 2 and followed up by the Masculine Expression of Divinity at the impulse of Number 3. 2 and 3 are both numbers indicating Angelic Vibrations. However, all even numbers resonates with the Feminine or Passive Principle of Creation and all odd numbers resonates with Masculine or Active Principles of Creation. The Number 3 also signifies completeness or wholeness or consolidation. There is the Trinity of the Universe emanating from the Absolute as LIGHT, LIFE and LOVE. The Number 4 is the number of Universal Justice and Stability. The number 4 is an indicator of the four elements of Nature which is deciphered in Hermetic School of Thought to form the Material Universe. These elements are Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Number 4 is also the number for protection and physical strength. While 3 is of a Spiritual Significance, 4 is of a Material Significance. 

    The Number 5, is a number which signifies "Luck" and also "the numerical code for Marriage". That is to explain the psychic meaning of adding up 2 and 3 to form 5. The Number 5 is an indicator for the Idea of Change. I mean Positive Change towards beneficial outcomes in life experiences. 

The Number 6 is the number of Creation, the numerical code for the Creative Principle or Creative Force. It is also an indicator for Progressive Vibrations. In the Genesis 1 story of Creation in the Bible, Creation was placed on the numerical code of 6. Lack of the knowledge of Mystery Codes made the Christendom of today come up with the wrong interpretation that the World was created in 6 days. 

    Further the Number 7, is the number which symbolizes or indicates "Power", some may use the term Divine Power.  Hence, some invocation or decree done at the count of 7 have magical effects. 3+4=7, which meant the union of the Spiritual and Material states of vibration. The number 8 indicates the Completion of a Cycle of Events in life encounters, but that will also mark preparation for another cycle. The Number 9 is the code for the Soul of a Human. The Human Spirit have the frequency of vibration on the Spiritual Code of 9 which indicates the innate wonders that can be expressed by Humans. This Mystery is beyond 9 in literary terms, there is something deeper and Mystical about it. 

P.S. Get a pen and paper and take note of the essential details below.

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