Friday 19 November 2021

Expositions On The Powers Of God In Nature And The Medical Benefits Of Nature Derived Substances


 Nature is infused with the Powers of God. Organic compounds in nature have vibratory elements with atoms expressing the impact of the Divine Force which activates them. Electron oscillates around the nucleus of an atom in a vibratory pattern but this is only observed through an electronic microscope. The atomic vibration is present in all elements of nature but is controlled by the effect of the Divine Force. The Divine Energy is imbued with Intelligence of a Superior Nature which initiates the progressive order in Creation. Nature in its purest form vibrates in the Perfect Will of the Divine Energy with immense benefits when positively harnessed. In the Lower Worlds are the existence of Matter consolidated by the Divine Currents which made them to be. 

    Diverse forms of matter exists in nature serving their diverse purpose in creation. These are experienced by the Human Souls which came to sojourn in this lower world using the Human Body derived from matter as a cloak. Both the Human Body and the surrounding environments need to be properly taken care of in purity and decency as a service to the Almighty Creator. Harmony need to be realized in mankind interaction with nature. Due to the effects of certain constraints in arriving at the "required balance", there maybe certain health situations that need to be taken care of. The Divine Spirit have given mankind the knowledge of natural remedy in bringing about the required balance for health benefits. 


      As earlier stated, the Powers of God are infused into nature. It is based on this that food is consumed to help nourish the physical body and provide the necessary vitality if it is a proper and healthy diet. The air that passes through the nostrils of the human body are of its own advantage in the vitality of the human body and hence, should be free from toxins. Also the Sounds exposed to the auditory nerves are of its own advantage, if it is in the right notes and chord to produce harmony and not disharmony to the mind and body. However, every Human should strive to establish Divine Harmony through Positive Volition [good thoughts, good words, and good actions] added with the right Prayers. And this keeps the Aura pure and refined as well as shields the Individual from negative currents or psychic attacks.

    Organic substances like herbs, and animal derived substances with medicinal benefits are parts of the Divine gifts to mankind which are meant to be rationally harnessed. There are diverse organic substances derived from nature which are utilized in Naturopathy. Nature based substances used for healing is free from the side effect of some synthetic drugs in Orthodox Medicine derived from Inorganic substances. Healing through Nature Based substances is best combined with Spiritual Healing. While using Naturopathy or any other form of medical treatment, Spiritual harmony should never be underestimated. 

                                  Quotes about Herbal cures (24 quotes)

    Naturopathy is a system of healthcare with a deep history of traditional philosophies and practices, supported by modern scientific research with medically trained practitioners and a breadth of natural treatment options to serve patients. It falls within the Traditional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM) and Integrative Medicine (IM) industries.

Naturopathy is based on the principle of homeostasis - that the body can heal itself and will always strive towards good health. Naturopathic Medicine is far from a new medical paradigm. When we look to the father of all modern medicine, Hippocrates, we see all the makings of a modern naturopathic doctor. "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food" is probably his most famous adage, reminding us that proper nutrition in the right balance is the key to healing and building strong healthy bodies.

1 comment:

  1. Very true and interesting. I use as much as possible natural foods and remedies. Nature is our medicine.


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