Thursday 5 September 2019

Inner And Outer Guidance Of The Soul In The Journey Towards Spiritual Unfoldment And Self Development

                                         💚 just breathe… in 2021 | Spirituality, Awakening quotes, Spirituality  energy 
Dear Readers, I welcome you back to this Path which is available to you online. Thank you for visiting this blog. Let us get back on this journey of Spiritual Enlightenment together as you read on. 
    You were created through the assistance of Divine Beings acting under the Divine Decree, "Let us create mankind after our image and likeness". This Divine Decree is merely interpreted in human language for the understanding of the mind but in reality a unique Creative Sound Current was initiated decoded by the Divine Beings which was accompanied by the "Divine Sparks". These Divine Sparks are the Spirit Particles that developed as Human Spirits in multitude, and they migrated downwards from "Paradise" into the Lower Worlds for further Experiences and Self Mastery. Based on the Eternal Love of God they were not left helpless in the Lower Worlds rather each Human Soul is assigned a "Guardian Angel" which reveals themselves to those who have attained the highest state of Spiritual Perfection or those found ready and worthy to behold their presence consciously. Within the inner perception of the Human Soul while still carrying the cloak of the Human Body, the Guardian Angel appear with Luminosity of the "radiant blue light". This impression is only available to those who are inwardly ready and found worthy to observe them, the point above the nostrils in-between the two physical eyes when closed. That point is called, "The Third Eye" by some school of Mystical Thoughts.
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   Opportunities are offered to all irrespective of their Spiritual State, Consciousness and Level of Development to experience, "the Inner Guide". However, many are ignorant of this great love through their not been inwardly awakened. The "Master Within" as the Spiritual Part of our being is a bilocational representation of the Guardian Angel allotted to each Soul. The Master Within as the Spirit in us, is always offered an opportunity for guidance but many human souls on earth wallow in the path instigated by the negative passions of the mind which make them lost in the lower worlds. Hence, it is written,  "without righteousness it is impossible to please God". Events around us are meant to teach us and learn from, if the symbolism initiated to the mind are understood. There are always nature based signs speaking to the master within you. When the Soul is not yet ready to understand the communication of the Angels, he or she may find things happen around them to still teach and direct him if he or she can be conscious of them they will understand the Love of God and guidance always available to assist them. However, the Guardian Angel try to communicate through but we should be awakened and inwardly pure enough to sense them. In case of some Life challenges which a solution is needed events are stumbled upon to always let you know what to do through "Intuitive Perceptions".
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     Telepathic guidance and mental communication exist. There are invisible beings among beings in the physical state and not all are Angels. Some are Souls who have had Life in the Physical but have become detached from their physical bodies through what many interpret as physical death. But those Human Souls referred to have not left the earth plane and exists as "Wandering Spirits or Souls" not yet reincarnated. Some are Good, Benevolent, Malevolent or Bad in volitions due to the nature cultivated in their past physical existence. No matter how good they may seem to be they can never be trusted for perfect guidance due to their fallibility and imperfections, however some are knowing to certain limits. Our thoughts and imaginations are not always self initiated. They may be impressed upon by invisible beings in the environment or Astral realms or even realms higher than that. Thoughts and imaginations can be used to communicate with Spirits outside us whether in the Lower Worlds or Higher Planes. One of Hermetic Laws Of Attraction, known as "The Law Of Mentalism", states in it's code, "All is Mind". The Electromagnetic impulses in-tune with Cosmic Waves are connected with Thoughts and Imaginations of Souls in the Universe. We are not always alone in our thoughts and imaginations, hence, the importance of Prayers or intonations of special sounds like HU, or AHUM RA MA etc for protection. We must put our thoughts and imaginations on guard against the communication of misleading Spirits. There are Nature or Elemental Beings around us which also communicate to the mind through Telepathy.
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      Golden Tongued or Golden Torch Wisdom implies how we can rightly use the events, people we coincidentally meet, circumstances around us and life experiences to understand the best path for us, as well as find answers and solutions we need to overcome any Life challenges. Been awakened means to open up our minds for the right guidance from within and outwardly. As Human Beings we emanated from the Divine Sparks and are never left helpless in creation. We are also agents of Creation in the lower worlds left at the mercy of what we can possibly produce through our thoughts and imaginations. Our action and inaction have Karmic consequences. Also, there are always unique privileges to learn and develop from within and outwardly. There are reasons based on Cosmic Intelligence for why we find ourselves in the place we are, why we meet the people we encounter in life, and all circumstances of Life. 
The best ways to start the journey of inner development is to exercise the rational mind and be intuitively alert. The next step is to understand what righteousness truly meant and cultivate them. For righteousness fully cultivated and perfected makes you exist in harmony with your Guardian Angel.

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